Tuesday, February 03, 2009
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Old sad Joe came by last night and put his mouth to my ear and said my back hurts and my leg won't turn around so I can walk and it is cold outside and now I have a hole in my sock and what is next when you walk on fifth ave and ride the subway back toward the queens. by M STiffend
Life is the way out of no way that will open the gates to closed doors .So just wait for your turn and don't be so up front.Wait in line and your day will come next in line.Just listen to the music while it plays to sooth the unrest in you. by M Stiffend
one and two are two and problems occure when you need three so you continue to move all the boxes until you find three.After you find three you are confronted with another problem and that problem needs a fix because he needs a mate to complete his task.So as life continues so do couples and we find that no one can stand alone.